Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bird Watching a Family Affair

Bird watching is the fastest outdoor activity here in America. Families are getting back to doing activities that bring everyone together. Due to the fast technology of ipods, cellphones, texting, e-mails, and social websites, families are spending more time with love ones. Bird watching is a relaxing activity were you try to identify the different kinds of birds in there natural habitat. It's even more fun when your family break up in groups and try to find as many birds in one hour. It's great to breathe the fresh air as you take on this challenge with lots of laughter and fun. Not only will you enjoy working out by walking up and down hills but you will also be excited to spend quality time with family. Nest time your outdoors try to see how many types of birds you can find. Happy Birdwatching!

P.S. If you want to see different types of birds flock to your home during the holidays read below.
I sell my own custom bird feed that you can hang from a tree in your yard for $5.99 each. It will definitely bring the different types of birds to your home. Please mail Money Orders to:

275 Conover Street suite 3B
Brooklyn,NY 11231

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What's in our food?

This week on Good Morning America was all about our food system and is it safe. A study was taken by a Harvard Scientist and found that a chemical called BPD has been added to can goods to preserve the food inside. They did a study on mice and gave the same dose of BPD that is added to can food and it showed the mice getting sick and over a period of time got cancer. The FDA stated that they had no case on humans getting sick from the small dose of BPD chemical. There is a solution and that is to buy organic fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. If you can not afford the fresh fruits and vegetables try to buy package or glass jar vegetables. This is a great reason to go to the Farmer's market the food is safe, local and organic.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I am back!

Hello to all,
I was away for a couple of months working on my book. I am glad to say that my book is called "I Hate Whitey" which is a nutrition & weight loss book has been released and can be purchase at It's talking about white flour, white sugar, white rice (hence the title "I Hate Whitey"). It also talks about chemicals that are added to the foods we eat that produce weight gain, sickness and disease. I am excited about this book because it is different from any other nutrition and weight loss book out there. Everyone knows how passionate I am about helping others live there best life. Please go to take a peak inside the book and leave me a review of what you think. I will be doing a book signing in Brooklyn, NY soon and will let you all know when and the location. I am glad to be back! Continue to read my blog and add me to your social page. Thanks a Bunch for your support!