Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Having a positive attitude

It's important to surround yourself with people who are positive. By choosing to be this way you open the opportunity for great things to happen to you. I can remember being around someone who was so negative about everything that no one wanted to be near her. She complained about how sick she was, she never smile, and she was always angry.

I talked to her about her negative attitude and I said "In order to have friends you must show yourself being friendly". When a person meet you for the first time how you treat them determine if they want to be your friend. So I say to all be happy, smile, laugh, be positive, and love life.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Back to Basics

We are living in a time were everything is fast and convenient and by doing this we are polluting our earth. If everyone can just start with a small part in helping to keep our earth clutter free with just these few simple steps:
1)Use vinegar and lemon to clean your home instead of buying cleaning products that is harmful to your family and earth.
3)Save energy by using cold water when doing laundry (your clothes will come out clean), use dishwasher only when full, purchase energy saving light bulbs, and open windows instead of turning on the A/C.

This is just minor changes that me and my family did and you can do the same or more to help keep our earth clean. So lets get back to the basics by bonding with your family and friends and let them know how much you care about having a safe and healthy environment.

Do Something Different

When I see an obese person it let me know that it can be many reasons why this person is this way. Some may have medical problems that cause the weight gain and other people are just eating out of control. I want to talk about the people who are eating out of control. This group of people do not care about calories or whether the food that they are eating are healthy for them. There main concern is tasty, cheap, fast, and convenient. These are the same people that go to Buffets, BBQ, and fast foods restaurants and eat large amounts of cheap foods. They consist of fried foods, soft drinks, cakes, cookies, pies, etc.

All the foods that I just mention are called "processed" and have no nutritional value. So I say to all why complain when you are eating the wrong foods and have High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Heart Disease. Take the time to educate your self so you can live a long and healthy lifestyle.

Over weight in America

We have so many Americans over weight due to our changing world. No longer do parents have to fix a nutritional meal when this country is flooded with easy, quick, and affordable fast foods. No longer do parents have to pay attention to their children when they are given access to the latest technology like: cell phones (when text messaging took over for person to person interaction), wii video game, ipods, TV, etc.
All of these things are making our children obese and they continue to get bigger, and bigger and bigger. It's nothing wrong with having these things as long as we are using them in moderation. I think we need to get back to the basic where parents play with there children, give chores to the kids to teach them responsibility, show them how to eat the right foods to stay healthy, take family trips and do fun activities to get everybody moving. By doing some of these ideas will start you and your family to being healthy.